26 November 2024 – The Philippine Consulate General in Calgary, in collaboration with
the Ministry of Jobs, Economy & Trade of the government of Alberta and the Calgary
Economic Development held a virtual meeting on 21 November 2024 for the
participants from the province of Alberta who will take part in the upcoming Team
Canada Trade Mission (TCTM) to the Philippines from 04 to 06 December 2024.
Consul General Emma R. Sarne, supported by Mr. Mario Tani, Trade Commissioner,
Philippine Trade & Investment Centre - Toronto and Mr. Lupino Lazaro, Agriculture
Counsellor based in the Philippine Embassy in Washington DC, briefed the participants
on the trade and investment climate opportunities in the Philippines and answered
various questions from the delegates, on various topics on how to do business in the
country. The meeting provided an avenue for the exchange of insights and strategies to
strengthen trade and investment ties between Alberta and the Philippines. A total of 20
representatives, from the 26 companies taking part in the TCTM, participated in the
virtual call.
Consul General Sarne expressed enthusiasm about the delegation’s upcoming visit,
highlighting the latest CREATE MORE Law which provides an enabling environment for
the ease of doing business in the Philippines. She also mentioned the growing demand
for international partnerships in various sectors including agriculture and food security,
technology, and renewable energy which are sectors of strength and expertise in
Consul General Emma R. Sarne (2nd from right) with representatives from the PTIC - Toronto, DA - Washington DC
PE and members of the Alberta delegation to the forthcoming Team Canada Trade Mission during the virtual meeting
on 21 November 2024. (Calgary PCG).
The TCTM is expected to provide Alberta-based businesses with unparalleled
opportunities to expand their presence in Southeast Asia and ASEAN. Calgary PCG
reaffirmed its commitment to supporting Alberta entrepreneurs in forging meaningful
connections with their Philippine counterparts, in line with its mission to promote
economic diplomacy and enhance bilateral relations.
The TCTM is part of the ongoing celebration of the 75th anniversary of the
establishment of diplomatic relations between the Philippines and Canada.END