Calgary, 25 April 2023 - The Philippine Consulate General in Calgary
and the College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA), in cooperation with the
Philippine Canadian Nurses Association (PCNA) and the Alberta Association of
Nurses (AAN), invite all interested Filipino Internationally Educated Nurses
(IENs) in Alberta to the online briefing on the New Streamlined Process
in Obtaining a Nursing Permit in Alberta to be held on 28 April 2023, Friday, at 5:00-6:30 PM
(Mountain Standard Time) via Zoom platform.
The online briefing will be beneficial to
Filipino IENs in Alberta who have already passed the National Council Licensure
Examination (NCLEX-RN) in the Philippines and who are looking for opportunities
to practice as full-fledged nurses in the province.
The Filipino IENs in Alberta who have not yet
taken the NCLEX-RN in the Philippines will have the option of taking NCLEX-RN
in Alberta without being required to undergo the costly credential assessment
The CRNA also offers ways for the Filipino IENs
to meet the currency of practice requirement for registered nurses.
Know this new development in the process for
obtaining a nursing permit in Alberta by listening to the presentations of the
General Zaldy Patron
Loveday MBA GRCP
Executive Director, Strategy & Operations, CRNA
Executive Director; Governance,
Regulation & DEI, CRNA
Director; Registration & Case
Management, CRNA
Interested participants may register for this briefing
using the attached QR Code or through this link: bit.ly/PCGCRNANursesBriefing.
Those who will successfully register will
receive a confirmation email and the Zoom link to the virtual briefing.
Due to limited capacity, only
the first 100 registrants can join the Zoom meeting. The others who will
not be admitted are requested to watch the live stream of the briefing via the
Philippine Consulate General in Calgary's Facebook page (PHinCalgary).
The Philippine Consulate General in Calgary has been advocating for the easier and streamlined recognition of credentials of the Filipino nurses since 2021 and has been engaging the CRNA and other entities, both government and non-government, for this advocacy.