6 September 2019, Calgary – Consul
General Zaldy B. Patron launched the Winter Escapade 7 travel tour to the
Philippines in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on 3 September
2019 at the Cosmo Civic Centre, Saskatoon with the assistance of the Filipino-Canadian Association of
Saskatoon (FilCAS).
During the
launch, Consul General Patron gave a briefing about Winter Escapade 7 Tour to
Philippines on 15-22 January 2020. The tour
will bring the participants to the different tourist destinations in Manila,
Bataan, Pampanga, and Boracay where they can expect to receive VIP treatment
from the tour organizers. The
participants will be billeted in the finest hotels in the Philippines, treated
to savory Filipino dishes, and introduced to the Filipino hospitality. They
will likewise enjoy the beautiful beaches, interesting museums, and fascinating
heritage sites in the Philippines.
Interested participants may get more information about Winter Escapade 7 and
register at www.winterescapadeph.com.
Consul General
Patron also launched Winter Escapade 7 in Edmonton on 25 August and in Calgary
on 28 August, two major cities in the Province of Alberta.