14 November 2019, Calgary
– Consul General Zaldy Patron spoke at the Temporary
Foreign Workers (TFWs) Convention held in Edmonton, Alberta on 9 November 2019.
The convention,
co-organized by the Philippine
Overseas Labor Office (POLO) and the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration
(OWWA) in Vancouver and the Philippine Consulate General (PCG) in Calgary, was
attended by about 70 participants, mostly Filipino TFWs and immigration
Labor Attaché
Margarita Eugenia Victorino opened the event by delivering the welcome remarks.
Consul General
Patron explained the various consular services of the PCG and its cultural and
economic diplomacy activities.
The other topics
discussed at the convention were “Immigration Pathways for TFWs” by Ms. Marvi
Pascua, ICAN-Migrate Canada Immigration Consultancy;” “Rights and Privileges of
TFWs in Alberta” by Mr. Marco Luciano, Migrante Alberta; and “Philippine Court
Recognition of Foreign Divorce” by Atty. Joseph Angeles.