Calgary, 7 July 2022 – The Philippine Consulate General (PCG) in Calgary welcomes the recent formation of the Philippine Canadian Nurses Association (PCNA) in Alberta whose officers took their oath of office on 27 June 2022 before Consul General Zaldy Patron.
The PCNA was formed on 31 May 2022, following the suggestion made by Consul General Patron during the National Nursing Week Dinner of the Filipino Canadian nurses on 12 May 2022. He encouraged the group to organize a formal association that could help the PCG in its advocacy for the easier recognition of credentials of the Filipino nurses in Alberta.
According to Mrs. Lucy Reyes, the PCNA’s first president, the group’s vision is to advocate for the streamlining of the credentialling process for the internationally educated nurses (IEN) in Canada.
Likewise, the PCNA will work to “enhance the image of the Filipino Canadian nurses through education, mentoring, and networking so they can remain competitive in their workplaces.”
Filipinos in Alberta who work as registered nurse (RN), registered practical nurse (RPN), nurse practitioner (NP), licensed practical nurse (LN), and nursing aides can become members of the PCNA. Interested parties can email the PCNA at IEN@pcnassociation.ca.
Among the guests who attended the PCNA’s induction of officers were Ms. Kathy Howe, Executive Director of Alberta Association of Nurses (ABA), and Ms. Barb Kathol, Chief Executive Officer of Carewest.
With 14 locations in Calgary, Carewest is Calgary’s largest public care provider and one of the biggest employers of Filipino nurses and healthcare workers in Alberta.
While the PCG has already met with various government agencies, the College of Registered Nurses of Alberta, and selected universities in Alberta concerning its advocacy for the easier recognition of credentials of the Filipino nurses, the PCNA also plans to engage them and the other stakeholders to seek their support for the same advocacy.
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