Calgary, 16 July 2022 – The Philippine Consulate General (PCG) in Calgary conducted its third Consular Outreach Mission for the year when it provided consular services for the Filipino community in Edmonton, Alberta, on July 12 to 14, 2022.
The PCG Consular Outreach Team, led by Vice Consul Stephanie Alexis A. Cruz, rendered a total of 1,132 consular services during the Consular Outreach Mission in Edmonton.
The team processed 664 passport and 199 non-passport applications. In addition, 111 applicants took their oaths as Filipino citizens under RA 9225.
The Office of Social Security Services (SSS) in Calgary was able to attend to the applications and queries of 113 SSS members.
Representatives from the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) in Vancouver, which also has jurisdiction over Alberta and Saskatchewan, joined the Consular Outreach Mission. They provided onsite verification of employment documents for four (4) Filipino workers, OWWA membership registration and renewal for nine (9) workers, and consultation services on the verification of employment documents and OEC issuances for 32 clients. After the outreach mission, POLO representatives held an information session at the Edmonton Intercultural Centre for 22 participants regarding the programs of POLO. Likewise, they conducted four (4) site visits to employers of Filipino temporary foreign workers where they gave briefing for the Filipino workers at each site.
There are an estimated 64,275 Filipinos in Edmonton based on Statistics Canada’s 2016 census. END