26 May 2023 – The Philippine Consulate General (PCG) in Calgary, in partnership with
the Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association, organized a #VictimsWeek Walkathon
in Downtown, Calgary on the 19th of May 2023 to raise awareness about issues
facing victims and survivors of crime. The campaign also aims to inform the
public about the services, assistance, and laws in place to help victims and
their families.
The Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (CIWA)
PCG to join their third #VictimsWeek campaign. With this year’s theme, “Take a
Stand - Journey Forward", CIWA is engaging their allies and champions for
victims and survivors of crime to help bring to light digital abuse - a topic
that has become increasingly relevant.
To help spread awareness and promote positive change in the community, PCG joined the collaborative action by planning this walkathon as a Gender and Development (GAD) initiative of the officers and staff.
The campaign was also enhanced by using the
hashtags: #TogetherWeWalk #TakingAStepForward #powerofcollaboration
#victimsweek2023 #CIWA on social media channels. After the walkathon, CIWA also
featured the PCG staff and officers who joined the walkathon on its Facebook
The PCG continually partners with social
services organizations like CIWA in protecting and promoting the welfare of
Filipinos in Alberta and Saskatchewan, especially those who are survivors of
crime and different forms of abuse.