Calgary, 25 January 2024 – Consul General Zaldy B. Patron welcomed the
signing of the partnership agreement between the Airdrie Public Library (APL)
and the Knights of Rizal - Airdrie Chapter that will pave the way for the
naming of a meeting room in the new building of the APL that is set to open in
June 2025.
Under the agreement, the Knights of Rizal -
Airdrie Chapter will help the APL raise funds in exchange for the naming right
of a meeting room after the Philippine national hero.
Mr. Dan Nelles, Chair of the APL Board, and Sir Mark Quintin, Chapter
Commander of KOR Airdrie, signed the partnership agreement on 19 January 2024
at the existing APL.
“I laud the
APL and the KOR Airdrie Chapter for coming up with this noble project that will
further increase the community’s awareness about Dr. Jose Rizal, the
Philippines, and the Filipinos,” said Consul General Patron.
Rizal is
the Philippine national hero whose writings invoked nationalism among Filipinos
during his time that led them to wage a national revolution against their
Spanish colonizers.
“A Rizal Room in the new APL will complement the
installation of the Dr. Jose Rizal Monument in Nose Creek Regional Park in
Airdrie,” Consul General Patron added.
The Dr. Jose Rizal Monument was a project initiated and led by the Philippine Consulate General in Calgary and undertaken in partnership with the Airdrie City Council, Filipino Airdrie Association, Rizal Monument Project Team, 46 major sponsors, and 201 brick donors. It was unveiled to the public on 23 October 2021.