Calgary, 23 March 2022 – To better educate the public about the conduct of overseas voting for the upcoming Philippine national elections in May 2022, the Philippine Consulate General (PCG) in Calgary took part in a virtual electoral forum organized by Migrante Alberta on 5 March 2022.
PCG Calgary’s Deputy Consul General Victorio Dimagiba, Jr. gave a brief presentation on the postal – automated voting exercise to be conducted in Alberta and Saskatchewan provinces, which are under PCG Calgary’s consular jurisdiction.
He reminded the registered overseas voters in Alberta and Saskathewan of the need to immediately accomplish the ballots that will be mailed to them. These ballots, once accomplished, have to be mailed and received by PCG Calgary on or before 9 May 2022 at 5:00 am.
Following his presentation, an open forum ensued during which DCG Dimagiba answered questions related to overseas voting.