29 August 2017 – Consul General Julius D. Torres of the Philippine Consulate General in Calgary met with Mr. Bob Benzen MP of the riding of Calgary Heritage on 29 August 2017 to discuss matters pertaining to the Filipino communities under the Consulate’s jurisdiction and others of mutual interest.
Mr. Benzen thanked Consul General Torres for the meeting and told him of his admiration for the Filipinos working in his company, remarking on their hard work and the sacrifices that they make for their families in the Philippines.
The Consul General replied that he was pleased that the Filipinos that Mr. Benzen worked with showed a positive image of Filipino expatriates and said that the Consulate continuously reminded Filipino communities under its jurisdiction to ensure that the good reputation of Filipinos in Canada remain untarnished.
He also informed Mr. Benzen that the Consulate organizes activities for Filipinos in Alberta and Saskatchewan, particularly those who have only recently arrived in the country. The Consulate will be undertaking Post Arrival Orientation Seminars (PAOS) for newly arrived Filipino workers in Canada. To be held with the participation of different organizations (such as financial institutions, the Philippine labor office, and immigration societies), the seminars are intended to assist newly arrived Filipinos adjust more quickly to the Canadian environment and provide them with resources to assist them here. Consul General Torres inquired on the possibility that the MP’s office could be invited to participate in such a seminar to provide information on Canadian government, to which Mr. Benzen replied that he would be pleased to participate.
Mr. Benzen and the Consul General also discussed opportunities for greater trade between the Philippines and Canada.
Mr. Benzen was elected to the House of Commons in April 2017 in a by-election to replace Mr. Stephen Harper, former Prime Minister of Canada, who resigned his seat in August 2016 following the defeat of the Conservative Party to the Liberals headed by Mr. Justin Trudeau in 2015. Prior to being elected as MP, Mr. Benzen headed his own company that specializes in data storage and information management for energy companies and was a member of the Calgary Heritage Conservative Association.