10 March 2018– Consul General Julius D. Torres, Philippine
Consulate General in Calgary, met with Ms. Krsytyna Biel, Chief Executive
Officer and officials of the Immigrant Services Calgary on 23 February 2018 to
discuss ways to assist newly arrived Filipino immigrants and Temporary Foreign Workers
(TFW) in Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Immigrant Services Calgary, which was established in 1977, is a comprehensive settlement
agency in Canada that helps immigrants / newcomers and their families settle
and integrate into Canadian society. They offer English language training, education
programs, and family and youth support programs.
Ms. Biel expressed the Immigrant Services
Calgary’s readiness to partner with the Philippine Consulate in its assistance-to-nationals
program by way of providing newly arrived immigrants and workers with information
on Canadian labor and migration laws, including financial literacy seminar and helpful
tips to help them cope with life in Canada.
General Torres invited the Immigration Services Calgary to provide resource
speakers for the Post Arrival Orientation Seminar (PAOS) for newly arrived
Filipino workers in Canada, which the Consulate organizes in cooperation with
the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) in Vancouver.
Consul General Torres suggested the possibility of featuring the website of the Immigration Services Calgary, www.SettlementCalgary.com, with the Consulate’s website, www.calgarypcg.org, to help the former disseminate information on the services that are available to Filipino migrants and workers in Alberta and Saskatchewan.