26 November, Calgary - The Philippine Consulate General (PCG) in
Calgary, through Deputy Consul General (DCG) Zaldy Patron, gave the National
Economic Development Authority (NEDA) a presentation on the experiences and
best practices of the cities of Calgary and Edmonton on the building of a smart
city. Calgary and Edmonton are two large
cities of the Province of Alberta, which is under the jurisdiction of the PCG.
DCG Patron informed the NEDA officials, led by Assistant
Secretary Roderick Planta, on 21 November 2018 at the NEDA office in Pasig
City, Metro Manila about the smart city
projects of Calgary and Edmonton. Among the projects he cited were Calgary’s Roads Operations Centre, Calgary’s Transit App, and
Edmonton’s Innovative Data-based Crime Fighting System.
He also highlighted the role of the academe in smart city development,
with University of Calgary publishing the Research Strategy Paper on Human Dynamics in
a Changing World: Smart and Secure Cities, Societies and Culture in 2015. The same university offers a unique Certificate Program on Designing Smart and
Secure Communities.
NEDA is one of the Philippine agencies involved in the ASEAN Smart City Network (ASCN) and DCG Patron’s presentation was meant to make the Philippines aware of the opportunities for smart city partnership between the Philippines and the cities of Calgary and Edmonton