16 June 2018, Edmonton – Ambassador Petronila Garcia and Consul General Gilberto Asuque, PCG Calgary conveyed the appreciation of the Philippine Government for the support and contributions of Filipinos and Filipino-Canadians in Alberta Province to the economic and social developments in their Mother Country.
The Ambassador and the Consul General visited Edmonton over the
weekend to join Filipino community organizations in their celebration of the
120th Philippine Independence Day.
Speaking at the Red Carpet gala dinner of the Council of Edmonton
Filipino Associations (CEFA) on June 16, Amb. Garcia highlighted the significance of the Filipino diaspora in
the social, economic and cultural development in Canada noting that the
Filipino migrants comprise one of the largest and fastest growing ethnocultural
groups in Canada. She cited the
progress in the bilateral relations of the Philippines and Canada as well as
the economic development and infrastructure projects in the Philippines. The Ambassador referred to the Independence
Day messages of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte and Foreign Affairs Secretary
Alan Peter Cayetano conveying the best wishes of the government to Filipinos
overseas and appreciate for their support and contribution to the development
of the Philippines.
For his part, the Consul General also
reflected on the importance of the Independence Day messages of the
President and the Secretary of Foreign
Affairs particularly on the courage and patriotism of Filipino heroes who
fought for democracy and democratic values
as their legacy for the people.
He invited the Filipinos in Alberta to support the program of the
Philippine government to ensure the safety of the people in their communities
and homes, deliver an efficient and corruption-free governance and resolve the
problem on illegal drugs.
The Ambassador and the Consul General both
cited the significance of the Proclamation declaring June of each year as
Philippine Heritage Month in Alberta as an opportunity for the Filipinos and
Filipino-Canadians in the Province to develop closer links with the Government
and the entire community, enhance the ethnic diversity in Alberta and show that
they truly represent a vibrant and dynamic component of the cultural mosaic of
Alberta. The Consul General invited the
community leaders to unite and organize the various programs for the first and
historic celebration of Philippine Heritage Month in June 2019.
Deputy Premier Hoffman and Mr. Jason Kenny,
MLA for Calgary, were among the guest speakers at the CEFA event where they
both conveyed the congratulations and best wishes of the Provincial Government
on the celebration of the 120th Philippine Independence Day. They also cited the valuable contributions of
the Filipino-Canadians to the social, economic, and cultural life of Alberta
especially the Filipino workers in the health care sector, services industry
and industrial/manufacturing sector particularly in the oil and gas exploration
and production companies.
Prior to the CEFA event, Amb. Garcia and
Consul General Asuque met some 100 Filipino community leaders and members of
organizations at a lunch forum last Saturday (photo right). The meeting with the Filipino community
leaders was also an opportunity to introduce the new Consul General based in Calgary and discuss programs to
deliver consular services to the distant areas in Alberta where there is a
large Filipino community.
Later in the day, the Ambassador and the
Consul General greeted the Filipinos at
their Family Fun Day at the Millwoods Christian School, NW, Edmonton.
On Sunday, Consul General Asuque spoke at the meeting of the Filipino Seniors Citizens of Edmonton at the Edmonton Korean Community Center where he discussed specific consular services and the outreach programs of the Consulate General. The senior citizens requested the Consul General to bring consular services to the various Filipino communities in Alberta especially to distant districts. The Consul General assured the Filipino organization that their concerns will be addressed.