Calgary, 14 March 2023 – The Philippine Consulate General (PCG) in Calgary and the Alberta Ministry of Advanced Education, in partnership with the Philippine Canadian Nurses Association (PCNA), conducted an online briefing on the details of the Bursary Program for Filipino Internationally Educated Nurses (IEN) last 8 March 2023.
The Alberta Government announced on 13 February 2023 a bursary program that would give a non-repayable financial grant to all IEN in the province, in fulfillment of one of the provisions of the Philippines-Alberta MOU on the Recruitment of Filipino Nurses that was signed on 6 October 2023.
As presented by the Ministry of Advanced Education, any IEN in Alberta who is successfully enrolled in an approved nursing bridging program beginning January 2023, regardless of the federal or provincial aid they currently receive, are eligible to apply for Alberta’s financial grant.
Each IEN can receive a maximum non-repayable financial grant of CAD 30,000. The recipient is required to serve in a designated rural area in Alberta for a minimum of one (1) year per every CAD 6,000 received or a maximum of five (5) years depending on the value of the bursary received.
The financial grant will be given on a first-come, first-served basis until the budget has been fully utilized.
The Alberta Government will also give additional funding to Mount Royal University, Bow Valley College, and NorQuest College so they can add 626 new seats to their respective nursing bridging programs.
“I encourage all Filipino IEN in Alberta to start their nursing credentialing process and take advantage of the bursary program of the Alberta Government so they will have the opportunity to eventually work as full-fledged nurses in the province,” said Consul General Zaldy B. Patron.
“This is the best time to take the nursing bridging program in Alberta,” he added.
Minister for Advanced Education Demetrios Nicolaides, on the other hand thanked the Philippine Consulate General in Calgary for its advocacy for the Filipino IEN. He underscored Alberta’s commitment to ensure that IEN would have the opportunity to be a part of the province’s healthcare sector through the enhanced bursary program and the expanded nursing bridging program.