7 March 2019, Calgary –
Consul General Gilberto
Asuque, accompanied by Deputy Consul General Zaldy Patron, met with Alberta Education
Minister David Eggen at his Edmonton Office on 1 March 2019.
Consul General Asuque
expressed the Philippine Government’s appreciation to the Alberta Provincial
Government for its recent announcement to introduce a Kindergarten to Grade 12 Filipino
Language and Culture program to Alberta K-12 students beginning 2020. The Philippine Consulate
General issued a public statement on 11 February welcoming this new initiative. The curriculum will include the teaching of
Tagalog, as an optional language course.
Consul General Asuque offered the assistance of the Philippine
Government in the development of the Filipino Language and Culture program should
the Alberta Ministry of Education require experts who can train Alberta
teachers about Filipino language, culture, arts and history.
Minister Eggen shared that consultations would begin soon on the development of the Filipino program and it is
hoped that the final program will be rolled out in time for the 2020-2021
school year. He stressed that providing
learning opportunities for Filipino students on language and culture would
enable them to maintain their heritage, strengthen their cultural identity and
build language and literacy skills.
Minister Eggen encouraged the Filipino community in Alberta to start engaging the school boards in districts where there are large Filipino communities concerning the introduction of the Filipino curriculum in their areas.