25 September 2019, Calgary – Love was in the air at the Philippine Consulate General (PCG) in Calgary when Consul General Zaldy Patron officiated the first wedding held at the PCG on 18 September 2019.
LEFT PHOTO: Consul General Zaldy Patron solemnizes the
first wedding held at the Philippine Consulate General in Calgary, 18 September
2019. RIGHT PHOTO: The happy couple are all smiles as they get married by
Consul General Patron, 18 September 2019.
The bride, Ms. Deine Mariano, and the
groom, Mr. Roland Miclat, are now part of the PCG’s history for being the first
Filipinos to be married at the PCG since its establishment in 2016. The happy
couple read their vows and were declared Mr. and Mrs. Miclat after Consul
General Patron pronounced them to be officially husband and wife.