Calgary, 14 December 2022 – Consul General Zaldy Patron, Dean of the Calgary Consular Corps (CCC), hosted an Appreciation Dinner on 13 December 2022 for the CCC Executive Committee to thank them for the CCC’s successful hosting of its Annual Black Tie Dinner last 2 December 2022.
In attendance at the Appreciation Dinner were CCC Executive Committee officers Honorary Consul of Finland Judith Romanchuk, Honorary Consul of Norway Christopher Mylde, Honorary Consul of Switzerland Andreas Bayer, and Honorary Consul Emeritus of France Gerard Carlier.
Newly-arrived Consul General of Japan Takahiko Watabe was also a special guest of Consul General Patron.
Honorary Consul of Switzerland Andreas Bayer (left), Treasurer of the Calgary Consular Corps (CCC) Executive Committee, presents a symbolic check of $5,000.00 to University of Calgary (U of C) President Ed McCauley during the CCC’s Annual Black Tie Dinner of 2 December 2022. The check represents the CCC’s scholarship fund for U of C’s International Relations students.
At the recent Black Tie event, the CCC, under the deanship of Consul General Patron, gave $5,000 scholarship fund to University of Calgary (U of C) to support the education of Mr. Aaron Lim, Filipino-Canadian student of International Relations at U of C.