28 June 2019 – Consul General Gilberto Asuque made his
farewell calls on Her Honour, the Honourable Lois E. Mitchell, CM, AOE, LLD, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta at the McDougall Centre in Calgary
on 26 June 2019 and on Mayor Don Iveson of the City of Edmonton on 28 June 2019
at City Hall.
The Consul General was accompanied by his wife,
Rosalie, and Consul Pamela Durian-Bailon during the farewell calls. Consul General Asuque concludes his
assignment at the Philippine Consulate General (PCG) in Calgary on 30 June
2019, Sunday, and returns to Manila on 01 July 2019.
In the conversations with Lt. Gov. Michell and Mayor
Iveson, Consul General Asuque expressed his heartfelt appreciation for the warm
hospitality and support given by the Province of Alberta and its cities during
his over one year tour-of-duty.
He cited in particular the signing of the Collaborative Agreement on Graduate Scholarship Program
Between the Department of Science and Technology – Science and Education
Institute and the University of Alberta that will pave the
way for the study of Filipino scholars in the University of Alberta. The PCG is
also working to establish a partnership between Philippine universities and
government agencies and the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary
for post-graduate studies of Filipino scholars on science, technology and
engineering subjects, training on energy-related courses, and on Smart City
The Consul General added that the PCG is also exploring
the possibility of connecting Philippine energy companies and government
agencies for the supply of Alberta’s liquified natural gas (LNG) for the
Philippine LNG-powered electricity generating plants.
During both meetings, Consul General Asuque pointed out that the Province of Alberta is the home of more than 175,000 Filipinos and Filipino-Canadians including the 75,000 Filipinos in Calgary who are contributing positively to the progress and development of Alberta. He also conveyed the appreciation of the PCG for the Proclamation by the Government of Alberta of June of each year as the Philippine Heritage Month and for its decision to introduce the K-12 Filipino Language and Culture subject in schools.
Consul General Asuque
also expressed his thanks to Mr. Tim Marriot, Manager of Visits, Alberta
Protocol, for the courtesies and assistance extended to the PCG.
The Consul General also
sent letters to Premier Jason Kenny of Alberta and Mayor Naheed Nenshi of
Calgary informing them of the conclusion
of his tour-of-duty on 30 June 2019 and expressing appreciation of their
support and assistance especially for the Filipinos in the province.