18 December 2019, Calgary – Following
the meeting between Philippine Consul General Zaldy Patron and Ms. Eva
Szasz-Redmond, Director of Programs, Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association
(CIWA), on 13 November 2019, the Philippine Consulate General (PCG) in Calgary has
been promoting CIWA’s Filipino Community Development
Program (FCDP) to the Filipino community
in Calgary.
Through the FCDP, CIWA helps members of the Filipinos in Calgary in
their integration into Canadian society by conducting activities, such as family
reunification workshops and support; parenting workshops; youth engagement
activities; one-on-one counselling; in-home support; participation in social
events; and resource referrals.
Filipinos in Calgary, regardless of their immigration status, can avail
themselves of CIWA’s assistance.
The PCG, on the
other hand, has been partnering with institutions that offer programs
beneficial to the Filipino nationals. In performing this mandate, PCG offered
to work together with CIWA.
“I am glad to know
that CIWA recognizes the importance of the 75,000-strong Filipino community in
Calgary and I thank CIWA for coming up with a specific program for them. I
encourage my fellow Filipinos to participate in the various activities of CIWA
that will help them adjust well and live productive lives in Calgary,” Consul
General Patron mentioned in the various speaking engagements he had attended
since his meeting with CIWA.
Under its
partnership with CIWA, the PCG explains its consular services during CIWA’s
Filipino reunification workshops. The PCG and CIWA also agreed to conduct employment
skills training, cross-cultural parenting workshop and legal clinics that the
Filipino community can join. Their first joint activity is the “Train to Work in Food Service” program
that will be held in early 2020 and is open to Filipino participants.
A culturally diverse settlement agency, CIWA is a non-profit organization established in 1982 as a registered charity. More information about CIWA’s FCDP may be obtained from https://www.ciwa-online.com/client-services/settlement-and-integration-services/filipino-community-development-program.html.