Calgary, 10 January 2023 – One hundred four (104) Filipinos in Alberta and Saskatchewan received Assistance-to-Nationals (ATN) services from the Philippine Consulate General in Calgary in 2022.
According to Consul General Zaldy Patron, 21 of these 104 Filipinos also received financial assistance from the ATN Fund of the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA). They included two Filipinos who were repatriated and three Filipinos whose remains were shipped to the Philippines last year.
In addition, 14 Filipinos received welfare assistance. Among them were the 11 hotel workers in Jasper, Alberta, who were out of work in September 2022 for almost two weeks due to the wildfire in Jasper National Park that caused the closure of business establishments in Jasper.
The rest of the Filipinos who received assistance from the PCG were either given legal and consular advice, referred to pro-bono lawyers, or directed to social services agencies and non-profit organizations that could further help them.
“We are pleased to have extended assistance to our fellow Filipinos in distress last year in line with our mandate to protect the rights and promote the welfare of overseas Filipinos,” said Consul General Patron.