Calgary, 20 June 2023 – The Philippine Consulate General (PCG) in Calgary joined the Knights
of Rizal (Calgary and Airdrie Chapters) in a simple wreath laying ceremony to
mark the 162nd Birth Anniversary of Dr. José Rizal, Philippine national hero,
at the Rizal Monument in Airdrie, Alberta, Canada, on 19 June 2023.
It was the first wreath laying ceremony at the
Rizal Monument that the Knights of Rizal organized following the formation of
the two chapters on 25 March 2023 upon the initiative of Consul General Zaldy
Consul General Zaldy B. Patron (5th from right) with the members of Knights of Rizal (Calgary and Airdrie Chapters).
From Left to Right: Mr. Mark Quintin (Chapter
Commander, Knights of Rizal - Airdrie), Mr. Mike Lozada (Chapter Commander,
Knights of Rizal - Calgary), Consul General Zaldy B. Patron, and Deputy Consul General Victorio M. Dimagiba,
“I wish to thank the Knights of Rizal of Calgary
and Airdrie for honoring our Philippine national hero on his 162nd birth
anniversary,” said Consul General Patron.
Consul General Patron extolled the contributions
of Dr. Rizal to the Philippines’ nationhood and expressed hope that the
national hero would continue to be an inspiration to overseas Filipinos.