16 June 2018, Edmonton - Ambassador Petronila Garcia and Consul General Gilberto Asuque made a courtesy called on Deputy Premier and Minister of Health Sarah Hoffman at her office in the Alberta Legislature building where they discussed programs for the welfare of Filipinos in Alberta Province.
The Ambassador discussed with Deputy Premier Hoffman the Filipino diaspora in Alberta and Canada. Citing 2016 data from Statistics Canada, the Ambassador noted that the Filipino migrants comprise one of the largest and fastest growing ethnocultural groups in Canada. There are approximately 837,135 individuals who have identified as having Filipino ethnic originals. Of the total Canadian population, approximately 2.4% identify as Filipino. The Ambassador further noted that based on the 2016 census, immigrants from the Philippines represented the highest percentage of total immigrants to Canada between 2011 and 2016.
In the light of these data, the Ambassador stressed the importance of enhancing people to-people relations through various activities that will foster closer interaction among the professional, educational and cultural sectors of the Philippines and Alberta Province through visits, student and faculty exchange and exhibits in arts and dances.
Deputy Premier Hoffman appreciated the contribution of the Filipino diaspora in the social, economic, cultural and historical richness of the
Province of Alberta, which was
cited in the Proclamation
declaring June of each year as Philippine Heritage Month in Alberta. During the meeting, the Deputy Premier presented a copy of the Proclamation of the Philippine Heritage Month with the translation in
The Deputy Premier noted that after English and French, Tagalog is the third dialect spoken in Alberta. Deputy Premier Hoffman expressed her appreciation for the professionalism and work ethics of Filipinos and Filipino-Canadians employed in the various administrative, health, social welfare and engineering departments of the Alberta Government.
The Ambassador and the Consul General also sought the assistance of the Deputy Premier in establishing close coordination with the Provincial Government for the safety and security of the Filipinos especially during emergency situations.
Later in the day, the Ambassador and the Consul General met Mr. Kelly J. McCauley MP at his constituency office in Edmonton. Mr. McCauley was elected MP in October 2015 for his electoral district in Edmonton West where many Filipinos and Filipino-Canadian reside.
ambassador Garcia and Consul General Asuque discussed with MP McCauley (photo left) the concerns of Filipino community leaders regarding the recognition of academic qualifications obtained in the Philippines for certain professions in Canada. MP McCauley took note of the concerns and other issues discussed during the meeting and offered to bring the matter to the attention of the relevant Federal Government agencies.
MP McCauley conveyed to the Ambassador his appreciation and admiration for the professionalism of Filipino workers in his constituency especially in health care such as nurses and caregivers. He also expressed appreciation for the voluntary spirit of the Filipinos in his district especially in church services and in other community activities. He offered the assistance of his office for Filipinos who need to address or resolve matters pertaining to their immigration status in Canada.